The Only Thing Worse Than the End of the World


Revelation 9:13-21

What could possibly be more horrifying than the end of everything? ANSWER: ...yeah right, like we're gonna give it away here. Join J&K today as we jump into one of the toughest books around (Revelation) to answer that question. Fact: What we discover in this episode may be the key to understanding every hard passage in the Bible. 

The Short Story:

Four angels killed ⅓ OF MANKIND by using plagues and 2 million horsemen riding on fire-and-brimstone-breathing horses. The horses’ heads looked like lion’s heads. And their tails are like serpents.

That sounds like our worst nightmare!

But it didn’t seem to slow down the rebellion on earth. The rest of mankind that survived did not repent of their sin, demon worship, idols, murder, robbery, or sorcery. Well, ok then…

Let’s dive in!

If you’re new to the Bible, welcome to the apocalyptic, prophetic, futuristic (depending on your theology) book of Revelation.

Questions J&K ask after a passage like this: 

  • How do we feel our way through the text and not just think our way through the text?

  • Should we spend our time trying to identify each character in passages like this one? Why or why not?

  • What are some things we should look for instead?

Thinking it through:

It is not our job to figure out what every jot or title means. This passage is meant to awaken us and give us perspective on the close of human history.

Here’s the pattern we see in Revelation: God continually extends grace. Humanity continually turns away from Him. The people who didn’t pass away didn’t repent of their sins! 💔

Instead, demons are being worshiped. Things that can’t see, hear or walk are being worshiped. It’s meant to shock us!

Judgment passages only make sense when we realize that the most important thing is that God alone is to be worshiped!

And remember, this is a prophecy. It’s a warning. A merciful warning for us today to turn away from our idols. 

What’s an idol? Any person/place/thing/idea that brings us more joy than the Lord. That’s it.

Application questions:

  • What do you learn about God’s character through this passage and the sections before and after it?

  • What are some other passages in scripture that show God’s judgment followed by man’s continual disobedience and unbelief?

  • What are some passages in scripture that show the opposite? God’s judgment followed by man’s repentance and turning back to God?

  • Outside of attending church, how are you prioritizing worshiping God?

  • How are prophecies of coming judgment actually an act of mercy?

  • Take some time to consider what’s bringing you more joy than God. Make a list and repent of any idols. This is deep-hearted work.

We couldn’t answer every question about this passage but we hope we helped! Want to ask more questions? Email

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